Everyone Has a Story

I’ve been doing a lot of reading lately (mini update: I’m up to 42 for the year!! And I’ve started logging ALL my books… will do a bigger update later). Because I’ve been in BookTok and StoryGraph communities a little more, I keep adding books other people are suggesting to my β€œto read” list. ThereContinue reading “Everyone Has a Story”

Busy Work

Jobs like the one I have ebb and flow. Some months, I’m turning away clients and wishing I had employees. Other months, I’m grabbing at scraps and jumping on any potential client to get as many bookings as I can. In the beginning of a slow time, I tend to be excited. I spend timeContinue reading “Busy Work”

Partner Patches

I’m SO excited for this week’s project. My friend Abbie helped me come up with the idea. We were out shopping at Lowes and saw a couple of guys wearing green cargo pants and polo shirts that had badges on them. I joked about the uniform being attractive and wanting to find a reason toContinue reading “Partner Patches”

Women’s History Month

This past year has really opened my eyes (I think it has for everyone). I’ve started living more in the moment and being consistently inspired by the women around me every day. I’ve even gotten the chance to reach out to more of the ladies on the outskirts of my life and learn more aboutContinue reading “Women’s History Month”


Before I post any more Valentine’s Day themed crafts, I want to acknowledge how hard this holiday can be sometimes. With everything that’s gone on this year, I’ve seen a lot of relationships crumble and a lot of single people struggle dating during the pandemic. Ironically, a holiday built around love can make people feelContinue reading “Self-Love”

Happy Christmas!

Wow! Today is really Christmas 2020.. I’m not gonna lie, I wasn’t sure we’d make it here. With the way 2020 has gone, I’ve been expecting a weird time loop or parallel universe to pop out of nowhere. I don’t have a craft for the day, I just wanted to drop in and say howContinue reading “Happy Christmas!”

Be Thankful

β€œAcknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.” – Eckhart Tolle Today I want to take a moment to talk about what I’m thankful for. I know yesterday was Thanksgiving, but with how 2020 has gone I felt the need to spend a little more time focusingContinue reading “Be Thankful”